2º Open Croata de Quiz




A Associação Croata de Quiz (HKS) organiza este ano a 2ª edição do seu open de quiz. Deverá ser jogado entre a próxima quinta-feira e a quarta-feira seguinte. Vejamos o que a HKS tem para nos indicar:

For the second time, Croatian Quizzing Association is organising Croatian Open, an individual competition open to quizzers from all over the world. The authors Ana Kolobarić, Marko Glibušić, Tommy Dumančić and Dejan Cerovec have prepared 160 international-type questions. There are 8 categories, each consisting of 20 questions: 1. SPORT & GAMES, 2. SCIENCES, 3. HISTORY, 4. WORLD, 5. CULTURE, 6. FILM & TV, 7. MUSIC, 8. LIFESTYLE. The quiz duration is 45 minutes for the first 4 categories and, after the break, there is another 45 minutes for the other 4 categories.

The scores per categories are added up to get the overall ranking of players. In case of ties, the first criterion is the worst category, then the best one, then the second best, etc.

The 3 best quizzers globally are awarded a gold, silver and bronze medal. If a medal winner is any of the international quizzers, the medal can be sent by mail or given to him/her at the Quiz Olympiad in Athens.

All interested local organisers/proctors should send a message to the Croatian Quizzing Association inbox. The question set will be sent to them till Wednesday, October 12, and the quiz can be played from Thursday, October 13 to Tuesday, October 18. We kindly ask all the quizzers not to discuss the questions online during the playing period.

The participation fee is HRK 20 / EUR 3. The payment is possible via Paypal, but also directly at the Quiz Olympiad in Athens.