O que é uma resposta foneticamente correcta?




Não existem regras escritas sobre a aceitação de respostas foneticamente correctas ou suficientemente próximas nas competições individuais ou de equipa organizadas pelo Quiz Portugal.

Como tal, e de modo a adoptar uma regra única válida para todas as provas, seguem-se as indicações da International Quizzing Association, apresentadas anualmente aos vários organizadores locais do Campeonato do Mundo de Quiz.

Este ano surgiu uma redução na extensão de palavras que têm de estar completamente correctas foneticamente, de 7 para 5 letras (inc.).

A IQA indica também como proceder noutros casos dúbios e situações especiais, como podem ler no texto original abaixo:

When is an answer phonetically correct? A 10-letter answer in which one letter is wrong, is very harsh to deny the point. Please note that we do not award half points, an answer is deemed correct or incorrect.

  1. If an answer contains fewer than 6 letters, it needs to be completely phonetically correct
  2. If an answer contains 6 or more letters, one letter, vowel, sound may differ, unless:
    2a. It is the first letter / sound of the answer
    2b. The answer comes close to another possible answer
    2c. The differing letter is in the most meaningful part of the answer, which in itself contains less than 6 letters.

  3. Some more leeway is given when dealing with answers that are transcriptions from other script (eg Peking / Beijing from Chinese)

Some examples:

E1. The correct answer is CUZCO.
Accepted answers: Cusco (practically phonetically correct, ‘s’ being pronounced ‘z’ in many languages)
Not accepted answers: Cazco, Cupco  (one wrong letter in an answer of less than 6 letters)

E2. The correct answer is Peter SHILTON
Accepted answers: Shalton, Shealton  (one letter / sound wrong)
Not accepted answers: Paul Shilton (wrong first name), Tilton, Silton (first letter / sound wrong), Shiptol (2 letters wrong)

E3 The correct answer is SUHARTO  (former Indonesian president)
Not accepted answer Sukarto, Suharno (both name come close to Sukarno, a different Indonesian president)

E4 The correct answer is PETER THE GREAT
Accepted answer: Pete the Grate
Not accepted answer: Peter the Grand